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Sejin's Media Paper4004

S&T 모티브(Motiv) - K2C S&T 모티브(Motiv) - K2C(M4에 대항하는 한국형 카빈총기) 한국군 제식 소총은 국방과학연구소(ADD) 주도로 개발이 되었지만, K2C는 시장의 변화에 맞도록 기업주도로 탄생되었다. K2C 총기 상부의 총열 길이를 12.2인치로 줄이고 부수장비를 편리하게 장착가능하도록 피카트니 레일을 장착했다. 하부는 기존의 K2처럼 접을수도 있고, M4 접철식 개머리판처럼 길이를 조정 가능한 형태로 양산 되었다. K2C는 2012년 아프리카의 말라위를 시작으로 파루아뉴기니, 캄보디아, 이라크 등에 수출되기도 했다. S&T 모티브(Motiv) - K2C-1(New) S&T 모티브(Motiv) - K2C-2(New) / Photo & Media provided by S&T Motiv Press Release/ .. 2018. 1. 17.
S&T 모티브(Motiv) - K2 S&T 모티브(Motiv) - K2(대한민국 제식소총) 국방과학연구소(ADD)에서 M16 소총 대신 국내생산 소총을 만들기 위해서 개발한 소총이다. 1984년 대우정밀에서 생산하기 시작한 소총이다. / Photo & Media provided by S&T Motiv Press Release / MediaPaper.KR mediapaper@ymail.com Sejin Oh / The News Article was written by receiving a Press Release. 2018. 1. 17.
S&T 모티브(Motiv) S&T 모티브(Motiv) S&T모티브 주식회사는 S&T그룹의 자회사로서 2012년 3월 1일에 재설립된 기업이다. 대우정밀공업(Daewoo Precision Industries Ltd.) ▶ S&T중공업(구 통일중공업) ▶ 현재 S&T 모티브(Motiv)로 사명이 변경되었다. 2006년 9월에 현재의 이름으로 사명을 변경했다. 최근에 현 이름인 S&T모티브로 바뀌었으며 샤시, 자동차 전자 시스템, 전장사업, 에어백, 엔진부품, 모터, 소재 등을 생산하며 첨단방위산업의 독보적인 기술을 바탕으로 한 K-1, K-2, K-3, K-4, K-5 등의 소화기, K-11 차세대 복합형소총 등도 생산하고 있다. 제조 및 개발 무기- M16A1 - K1 기관단총- K2 자동소총 - K3 기관총 - K4 고속유탄발사기.. 2018. 1. 17.
NATO awards Cobham operational readiness training contract NATO awards Cobham operational readiness training contractCobham secures contract to provide Electronic Warfare Services for NATO training and exercises. Bournemouth, United Kingdom: Cobham announced today that its Special Mission business has been awarded a follow on contract to deliver Operational Readiness Training to NATO for up to five years. The contract, which was won after a competitive .. 2018. 1. 17.
HDS - 항법장치 (Navigation Equipment) The precision navigation equipment is the cutting-edge core equipment for positioning and navigation of various missiles in the defense industry, as well as aerospace vehicles, aircraft, and vessels in the commercial sector. / Photo & Media provided by Hanwha Defense Systems Press Release/ MediaPaper.KR mediapaper@ymail.com Sejin Oh/ The News Article was written by receiving a Press Release. 2017. 12. 28.
HDS - 발사체계 천무, 천궁, KVLS, 해성, 청상어, 현무 (Launcher Systems) The company develops various key weapon systems for the Korean military based on excellent technologies not only for various ground launcher systems but also marine launcher systems. / Photo & Media provided by Hanwha Defense Systems Press Release/ MediaPaper.KR mediapaper@ymail.com Sejin Oh/ The News Article was written by receiving a Press Release. 2017. 12. 28.
HDS - 해군용 발칸 (Navy, 20mm Vulcan) The 20mm warship Vulcan, 'Navy Vulcan' is used for anti-aircraft defense of warships, and is a multi-purpose system capable of both direct operation and remote operation through the fire-control system. In addition, installed on a warship, it is interlocked with the fire-control system (FCS) of the warship to defeat marine targets, such as mines, torpedoes, and ships and approaching low-flying a.. 2017. 12. 28.
HDS - 육군용 발칸 (Army, 20mm Vulcan) The army Vulcan has excellent low-altitude anti-aircraft defense and ground firepower support capabilities. The 20mm towed air defense artillery, 'Army Vulcan' is capable of playing a key role in low-altitude anti-aircraft defense. Various control systems required for shooting, moving, and installation are integrated. It is a towed Vulcan weapon system easy to move, install, and operate on a veh.. 2017. 12. 28.
HDS - 자주발칸 K263 (Self-propelled 20mm Vulcan) The self-propelled Vulcan is the K200 armored vehicle developed for infantry transportation, on which the 20mm Vulcan is mounted. It is the weapon system that ensures not only troop transportation but also anti-aircraft defense against enemy aircraft and ground response against trucks and light armored vehicles. The 20mm Vulcan mounted armored vehicle is the anti-craft weapon system developed to.. 2017. 12. 28.